Friday, January 11, 2013

Doctors, et al.

DOC'TOR, n. [L. from doceo, to teach.]
1. A teacher.
There stood up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law. – Acts v.
2. One who has passed all the degrees of a faculty, and is empowered to practice and teach it; as, a doctor in divinity, in physic, in law; or according to modern usage, a person who has received the highest degree in a faculty. The degree of doctor is conferred by universities and colleges, as an honorary mark of literary distinction. It is also conferred on physicians, as a professional degree.
3. A learned man; a man skilled in a profession; a man of erudition. – Dryden. Digby.
4. A physician; one whose occupation is to cure diseases.
5. The title, doctor, is given to certain fathers of the church whose opinions are received as authorities, and in the Greek church, it is given to a particular officer who interprets the Scriptures. – Encyc.
Doctor’s Commons, the college of civilians in London.
DOC'TOR, v. t. To apply medicines for the cure of diseases. [A popular use of this word, but not elegant.]
DOC'TOR, v. i. To practice physic. [Not elegant.]
DOC'TOR-AL, a. Relating to the degree of a doctor. – Johnson.
DOC'TOR-AL-LY, adv. In the manner of a doctor. – Hakewill.
DOC'TOR-ATE, n. The degree of a doctor. – Encyc.
DOC'TOR-ATE, v. t. To make a doctor by conferring a degree. – Warton.
DOC'TOR-ED, pp. Administered to by a physician; cured.
DOC'TOR-ING, ppr. Applying medicines; curing.
DOC'TOR-LY, a. Like a learned man. – Bp. Hall.
DOC'TOR-SHIP, n. The degree or rank of doctor. – Clarendon.
[Doctorate is now generally used.]
DOC'TRESS, or DOC'TOR-ESS, n. A female physician

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Parse = Government & Binding diagram!

PARSE, v. t. [pàrs; from L. pars, part, or one of the Shemitic roots, פרס, to divide, or פרש to spread.] In grammar, to resolve a sentence into its elements, or to show the several parts of speech composing a sentence, and their relation to each other by government or agreement.

SHOCK, v.t.

“Avoid every thing that can shock the feelings of delicacy.” (Noah Webster 1844 ADEL)

Monday, June 27, 2011

CRAMBO = Andre and Inigo Rhyme

CRAM'BO, n. A rhyme; a play in which one person gives a word to which another finds a rhyme. – Swift.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


CLOS'ET-SIN, n. [cloz'et-sin.] Sin committed in privacy. – Bp. Hall.


CHRIS´TIAN-NAME, n. The name given in baptism, as distinct from the gentilitious or surname.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

STEP- implies "orphan"

STEP'-CHILD, n. [step and child.] A son-in-law or daughter-in-law, [a child deprived of its parent.]
STEP'-DAME, n. A mother by marriage, [the mother of an orphan or one deprived.]
STEP'-DAUGH-TER, n. A daughter by marriage [an orphan daughter.]
STEP'-FA-THER, n. A father-in-law; a father by marriage only; [the father of an orphan.]
STEP'-MOTH-ER, n. A mother by marriage only; a mother-in-law; [the mother of an orphan.]
STEP'-SIS-TER, n. A sister-in-law, or by marriage, [an orphan sister.]